Never fill a
form again

Whether you’re moving addresses, or applying for a work permit, mypaperwork makes it easy, saving you money and headaches.

What brings you here?

Register your new address

When you move to Austria, the document you need to get is called a Meldezettel. Get yours now.

Apply for a work permit

A flawless permit application for students, family members, and employees.

Get health insurance

One of the first documents you need when moving to Austria is proof of health insurance.

Why use mypaperwork?

Never fill a form again

Once you start using mypaperwork, it remembers every entry and fills out forms so you don’t have to.

Just what you need

We use AI tools to put you in charge of your personal journey and give you the tools and guidance to succeed.

Keep track of your progress

Going forward, mypaperwork reminds you of renewal deadlines and other surprises you’ll want to avoid.

Sign up for the waiting list

Be one of the first to test drive the future of bureaucracy.